Senseless Sunday Sarcasm : 10 strange things one learns in life

Anxiety Cat: Image Gallery | Know Your Meme

  1.  Never pass up a chance to ask why coworkers are frowning.  People like it when they think you’re paying attention.
  2.  A foolproof way to stop “sweating the small stuff.”  If it costs less than a bad meal, it’s not worth the aggravation.

I Feel Pretty, Oh So Pretty by meg11hyn - Meme Center

3.  How not to grow up.    “Old” will always be 10 years older than your present age.

34 best images about Funny memes on Pinterest | Cats, Dog ...

4.  If you’re serious about learning patience.   Get a cat.

Cute I Love You Pics -

5.  If you’re serious about learning how to love unconditionally.    Get a dog.

6.  For free, non-stop entertainment that doesn’t need a computer, TV or an Iphone Get a cat AND a dog.


7..  There is no such thing as insanity (Everyone on Earth over the age of 5 is insane).   There are simply different levels of reality.