In how many ways…

…do writers get ideas for their books?

Yes, most of my books started out with dreams.

Dreams only give you the story line.  Real life fills in the emotional gaps, and I have far more “real life experience” than any sane person should ever want.

Take, for example, the past 4 months I’ve lived on Earth. 

Take it…please…I don’t want it any longer!!!

No...I don’t want you to take away my life!  I’ve written too many books that need to be edited and published.  At this rate, the last one will be scheduled for publication when I’m 102.  Given the fact my soon-to-be-ex is about 4-cans short of a six-pack, I might not publish my last book until I’ve 112.

If you’re new to my blog, please read the posts from December to now. What I have to say after this sentance is just the tip of a giant iceburg.

First, he complained that I was on the phone too much (I get about 3 calls a week).  He knows I do editing with Vickie from 12 – 4pm on Fridays.  Then, he screamed obscenities at her while we were on the phone.  A few minutes after 4pm, the internet and phone stopped working. 

The internet is back up again, but my land-line phone still doesn’t work. I have a cellphone, but I have to be standing in the front yard at just the right place to make a call.

Yes…I thought that life was bad until my husband had what was determined to be, “a psychotic episode…”

That’s such a tame way to describe what it’s like to have someone point a gun at you and pull the trigger. 

Here’s what it’s like in real life:  The moment you’re facing the barrel of a gun, all the emotions inside you drain away. What’s left is an empty shell that knows it’s about to die. 

I remember saying, “I don’t care” and starting to turn toward the computer. 

I remember seeing him pull the trigger and hearing a “click.”  And I remember hearing a second click.  He said, “Damn, it’s jammed” and went outside as if he was just taking the garbage to the curb. 

If that isn’t bad enough, the “good twin” (as I call the other half of him) doesn’t remember doing it.  Now, he says the empty chambers were intentional to protect me from his evil twin.  Then he said he is in control now and the evil twin won’t return.

It would take 3 days to explain how the justice system is failing those who don’t break the law.  Just remember that truth the next time you see a wife has died at the hands of her husband and someone says, “Why didn’t she try to do something?”

I guarantee that she tried to shake heaven and Earth to do something about him, but the system failed to protect her.

As an example, my husband fails to understand why I don’t want him inside the house with me. Here is the “why” in one sentence:  He’s a walking time bomb, but I don’t know when the timer is set to go off.

He is evading a restraining order and left the house a few days ago.  Then, on Sunday, I found him inside the house.  I had two choices — scream and risk the evil twin emerging, or calmly say, “You can’t stay here.”

I suggested a place for him to go, and breathed in a sigh of relief when he left.  Then, I reached for my cellphone to take it outside the house so that I could call the Sheriff’s office. I dropped the phone on my desk when I heard shouting. 

The deputies were back — for a 4th attempt to give him the restraining order.  They were angry that he had just left the house and said, “We thought you were afraid of him.”

There is a time to allow the fear inside you to show, and a time for self-preservation to take over. I told them where to find him and, as of yet, they haven’t been at the place where he is staying.

I’m trying to get new doors installed with new locks.  I’m trying to work, and I’m doing a horrible job.  Most of all, I’m trying to get over the dreams about looking down the barrel of a gun and knowing it will probably be the last thing see before I die.

That’s as much as I’m capable of writing about at the moment.