Senseless Someday Sarcasm : Chat


And I thought I wouldn’t have a Senseless Sarcasm post this week.

I’ll be traveling to visit my daughter in another state, so I went on-line to contact the credit card company to let them know.

It started out in the usual way:

State your inquiry:     I want to tell TooManyPrompts credit card company that I’ll be going out of town and where.

Choose from the following: 

  • I want to close my account
  • I want to open an account
  • My dog wants his own credit card
  • I want to report a stolen credit card
  • I’ll be traveling

You are being redirected to the automated “I’m traveling” service.  Provide a phone number and we’ll send you a temporary pin number

FIVE MINUTES LATER:  No phone call.

Back to the website.

State your inquiry:     Other

How do you want to contact us:      PHONE       CHAT

Of course I chose “chat.”  It’s easier than going through 20 automated questions just to get to someone who barely speaks English.

State your inquiry:  I want to notify TooManyPrompts credit card company that I am going to be traveling for a week.

The following is the God’s honest chat, with the name changed to protect the incompetent innocent (and times deleted for easier reading)

YOU ARE CHATTING WITH:  Ysiemhedyebd  G.

Disclaimer: Investments/Insurance: Not FDIC Insured. Not Bank Issued…blah, blah, blah…you have no rights….blah, blah, blah…we can freeze your account at any time regardless of whether you’re going to starve to death….blah, blah, blah…

Ysiemhedyebd:  Your Question is: I will be traveling to see my daughter during the week of ____________   I wanted to notify USAA that I will be traveling.

ME:  Yep.

Ysiemhedyebd:  Is that a yes?

ME:  (sighing loudly)    Yes.

Ysiemhedyebd:  I’m happy to help you today. Please bear with me as I access your account information. I see your inquiry you will want to put in a travel notification.  I have the steps for you one moment please
Waiting for him to type….
….and waiting…
….and waiting….
Don’t schools teach touch typing anymore????
Ysiemhedyebd: you can do a travel notice online: MANAGE TRAVEL NOTIFICATION:

1. Select the credit card account or accounts that will be used while traveling and open the credit card account to the summary page.

2. Scroll to Card Services at the bottom of the selected account page.

3. From the Services section select Manage Travel Notifications.

4. Follow the prompts to add or remove a travel notice.

Me:    I tried that. When it gets to sending the code it won’t go through. That’s why I’m relegated to “Plan B.” 🙂
Ysiemhedyebd:  If you do the above you should have no issues using your card in Podunk USA.


ME:  (Silence as a stew in my umbrage)

Ysiemhedyebd:  ok is it erroring out?  Or giving a code?

Me: As I said. I’ve already tried that. I have a land line and this happens sometimes.
Ysiemhedyebd:   Have you tried doing it on the TooManyPrompts App or do you have the App?
Me: I have a land line. The last time I checked there’s no app for that 😀
Ysiemhedyebd: ok so no cell phone then?

(At this point, I’m wondering if there is really a person manning the other computer).

Me: Nope.
Ysiemhedyebd: ok let me make som notation on your account one moment please.
Me :Thanks.
Ysiemhedyebd: Ok I have noted your travel plans and dates for you.
Me: Thanks. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Ysiemhedyebd: Anything else I may assist you with today
Me: Nope. That’s it. Have a great day. 🙂
Your chat session has ended.

 Can someone PLEASE get this guy a dictionary, a remedial grammar class, and a clue!!!!

Some days I miss my manual typewriter.