PLEASE participate

It’s not like I’m asking a scientist to believe in miracles.





Welcome to FEBRUARY 7!


Today’s prompt is:  What is the one thing in life you want to finish before you die?

So that you don’t feel so alone in your embarrassment, I’ll share a vignette with you:


One week, I’m 112 pounds; the next, I’m 106 and surviving on Ensure.

Just another sign that I’m not immortal.

Part of me says, “Your stomach’s rebelling against too many culinary assaults.”

Another part of me replies, “You’ll die, never knowing how your series ended.”

Science, looking for answers in numbers, creates formulas to explain our world. Religion, looking for signs in the heavens, searches for answers in prayer. 

Once, both wondered how bumblebees could fly.

What scientist in the 1800’s would consider that an airbus weighing 1.2 million pounds carrying 1800 passengers and 4700 pieces of luggage could not only get off the ground but fly across the Atlantic in 10 hours?

Which ending will arrive first:

  • Book?
  • Life?

Here are the rules:

  1. A prompt for #TMAT120 will be given the first Thursday of every month. The prompt challenge begins whenever it’s that day in your time zone. It ends on the 1st Thursday of the next month.  

  2. Copy and paste your 120 word entry into the reply section below, along with a link to your blog.  To me, everyone who enters is a winner, but if you must have a winner, the entry with the most likes wins.  

  3. Limit your #TMAT120 post to 120 words. People who participate in limited-word prompts aren’t expecting a 1,000 word explanation before it begins.

  4. When/if you publish your entry on your blog, use the #TMAT120 picture to show that you are participating in the prompt. Please don’t alter (except for size).  

  5. Please don’t use hard-core curse words. They’ll be edited out if you do, and you might not like the words I choose to replace them with.  🙂 

  6. Take time to read other people’s #TMAT120 & their posts, after all you might make a new friend.

© Joelle LeGendre  Joelle’s tales:  Tell me a tale in 120 words