99 word prompt : parade

September 20, 2018, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about a parade of nations. It can be literal, or it can be a phrase that you use to describe a situation. Explore what it could be. Go where the prompt leads.

If you want to participate, here’ the link:


King George XV sat on his gold throne, enduring congratulations from the worldwide elites walking past.  A parade of his soldiers from many nations stood at ease, waiting on several acres of his palace lawn for his victory speech.

What an easy war!  His cyber wizards sent all of North Korea’s nuclear missiles over China, the United States and Europe.  The Africans and Australians were a simple matter; succumbing to diseases only he could cure.

A man stopped to announce, “You may have won the battle but you’ve lost the war!”

A bright light, and his world became ash.