…and, in addition…

You can't make this stuff up!! - YouTube


My last post was March 27, 2024?!?!?!?!

What a difference 2 months make. On February 18, my husband had what was determined to be, “a psychotic episode.” The moment you’re facing the barrel of a gun, all the emotions inside you drain away. What’s left is an empty shell that knows it’s about to die.  I remember seeing him pull the trigger and hearing a “click.”  And I remember hearing a second click.  He said, “Damn, it’s jammed.” 

The “good twin” (as I call the other half of him) doesn’t (or refuses to) remember doing it and has tried to convince me it didn’t happen. That is what one would call “a typical psychosis knee-jerk” if one does not want to be pretentious. 🙂

He did manage to get the first restraining order rescinded.  I didn’t know there was a court hearing.  I didn’t know the restraining order was dropped until he brought the document to me.  When I contacted the court to ask why I wasn’t notified, I was told they tried to call me — which was hard to do when my husband had ripped out the phone line.

  • April:  Went to court to get a new hearing for another restraining order.
  • April and May:  Husband kept hiding so no one would give him the second restraining order.  After the 3rd attempt, I was called into the detective’s office and he took my statement.  Apparently, he understood that I was telling the truth about what happened — that’s when the tide started to turn.
  • May:   2 1/2 half hour meeting with the judge.  My lawyer was fantastic.  By the end of our presentation, the judge gave my husband time to speak and strongly advised that he consider his words carefully.  He didn’t consider his words, he simply tried to deliver them as if he had great authority. The judge was unimpressed.  Retraining order is permanent.

How did law enforcement catch him?   

You Can't Make This Stuff Up! - You Cant Make This Stuff Up - T-Shirt ... With his vehicle, he tried to ram a driver who had upset him (acceptable words for someone who had royally p*$$ed him off just because he wasn’t driving away fast enough).  When he was pulled over, it was found there was a restraining order against him.  He’s been in jail since the first week of May.

So now, the state attorney is involved in the case. He explained that since it was the first time my husband tried to kill someone, and failed, my husband might get released with an ankle monitor for the next 5 years.

Good job, court system. He’ll have an additional 5 years to roam around the neighborhood and try to find a more creative way to kill me — possibly with a “Mad Max style vehicle.”

Mad Max: Fury Road (Review) - HubPages

In the meantime, my editor and I will be reviewing my new book tomorrow and it LOOKS LIKE my book should be published in a few weeks.

Hopefully, my next post will be about the places where you can buy my book — that will not include an obituary.