The writer’s not-quite-bright cat

Other Brother Coon Cat (OBCC) is about to find my last nerve and stomp on it.
I was sleeping soundly when, around 11:45, I heard a BAM, a rustling of bushes, and a pitiful meow.  
Unfortunately, it takes me a while to come out of a deep sleep.
Remember my $366 cat?


OBCC had burrowed between the curtains and the window that has to remain open so that I don’t die in my sleep from toxic cat poop fumes.  
He must have been laying on the sill when his massive weight caused an overburdened screen to give way.  Not knowing how long he’d been languishing outside, I grabbed a flashlight and trudged into the wilderness to find him.
This isn’t city life.  I don’t have a manicured lawn.  In fact, most of the terrain around my house looks like this:
I wandered (carefully, to avoid dog poop)– in my PJ’s — to the back of the house.
I called.  No OBCC, so I reattached the screen after bending it back in shape while holding a flashlight between my knees. 
The light, and my cursing, didn’t attract him to my position, so I wandered to the other side of the house and back to the front steps, calling his name.
The Tiny Terror came rushing over the fence and into the house — so, of course, I opened a can of cat food on the kitty perch in the kitchen so he wouldn’t feel all thrown away.
Another foray into parasite hell, and back to the window…again…calling OBCC’s name.  Out from the bushes comes a rather dazed cat, no doubt lost in his own yard. 
I carried all 20 pounds of him into the house, and where does he go first? 
The window!
You think he would’ve learned a lesson but…no.  
He’s presently curled up on the chair next to the closed window.
My not-quite-bright cat is fast asleep, 2 dogs are snoring on my bed, the Tiny Terror has taken over my pillow…and what do I get?  Large doses of adrenaline, anxiety, and a fair bit of anger.
In other words:  I have no hope of getting to sleep before 3 in the morning, so I’m writing this D@%*$d  post for my blog.
I think I hear ice cream calling my name — or perhaps it’s the hallucinogenic effect of toxic cat poop fumes.
And you were worried about cow farts.
©Joelle LeGendre