99 word prompt : White flowers

December 21, 2017 prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) include white flowers in your story. This is a repeat prompt, but one that has an ability to be emotive. Humor, drama, irony — go wherever the white flowers lead.

If you want to participate, here’s the link:  https://carrotranch.com/2017/12/21/dec-21-flash-fiction-contest/

I have a talent.  The only plants that live in my yard are the ones I ignore.

There were these fuzzies with beautiful white flowers that sprouted on my lawn. I ignored them and they grew.  Everywhere.  Unfortunately, the common name for this weed is “stinging nettle.”  They’re a great deterrent to burglars, barefoot children and potential husbands.

The latter is as hard to find as respectable plants growing in my yard.  My last fiancé fell face first onto my field of white flowers and died from a fatal allergic reaction.

Perhaps I should try to ignore lilies instead?